All Dressed Up (And Nowhere To Go). Resin with jewelry and what knots Long Road Home. $1000 Oil. 24x36 Lion Fish. $800 Oil. 30x24. Catching a Ray. $150. (Girl on waters edge) Watercolor 16x20 matted Bingo Time. Decorated Resin Guitar with cut glass, jewelry, and what nots. 17x40. Old Time Banjo. Resin instrument with cut glass, beads, jewelry, trinkets, etc.. Seaside Post Office. $600 Oil on canvas. 16X20 Coming Home. $600. Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Pretty Pink Water Lillies. $600. Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Holiday blooms. $300. Poinsettia Water color 22x30 unmated Intricate Pearly Shell. $600. Oil in Canvas. 16x20 I See You. $150 (Octopus) Watercolor matted 16x20 Beach Day. $350 Resin decorated Window. 34 1/2 X27 1/2 Basket of Pink Loveliness. $150. (Flowers, Geraniums) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Raining Hibiscus. $225. Watercolor matted. 20x27 Swimming Away. $125. (Jelly Fish) Watercolor matted. Pottery Trio. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Gulf View. $ 150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Rocky Sunset $125 Watercolor matted. 11x14 Sailing Rough Waters. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Snowy Footprints. $125. (Evergreens) Watercolor matted 11x14 Winter Walk. $125 Watercolor matted. 11x14 Bouquet of Beauty. $150.(Flowers Daisy &Sunflowers) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Decrepit Barn $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 Colorful Sunset. $150. (People Watching the Sunset) Watercolor matted. 16X20 The Good Old Days. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Dance Class. $ 150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Showing Off My Stuff. $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 See Me Dance. $150. Warter color matted. 16x20 Calm Day $150. (Sail Boats) Watercolor matted 16x20 Light House View. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Play Me A Tune. $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 Dance Rehearsal $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Apple a Day. $150 Watercolor matted. 16x20 Refreshing Summer Day $150. (Watermelon) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Gloomy Day. $150. (Rocky Seashore) Watercolor matted 16x20 Tropical Sunset. $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 Harvest Time. $150. (Pumpkins) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Break Time. $150. (Guitar) Watercolor matted 16x20 I See You. $150. (Fish) Watercolor matted 16x20 Sunflower Kind of Day. $150. Watercolor matted 1 6x20 Loving the Gulf. $225. Watercolor matted. 27x20 Glowing Hibiscus. $. 150 Watercolor matted. 16x20. Two Crabby. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Tulip Time. $150. Watercolor mated 16x20 Color Me Tulips. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Luna Moth $500 Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Summer Fun. $250 Resin Window with shells, cut glass and what knots. 37X20. Sisterly Love. $150. Mixed Media matted. 16x20 Peek-A-Boo. $400. (Owl) Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Green Waters $. 300. (Ocean Waves) Oil on Canvas. 11x14 Churning Waves. $300 Oil on Canvas 11x14 Follow the Light. $600. (Path with trees) Oil on canvas. 16x20 View From the Falls. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Sitting A Spell. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Dock of the Bay. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Peaceful Hide Out. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Palm Frenzy. $125 Mixed Media matted. 11x14 Swimming Frenzy. $125. Watercolor Batik on Silk Paper matted 11x14 Perfect Wave. $400 Oil on Canvas Framed. 40x16 1/2 Waiting on Baby. $500. (Hummingbird nesting) Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Honey Moon Hideaway. $500. Oil on canvas. 16x20 Cock A Doodle Doo. $150. Watercolor 16x20 matted Beached Boat $400. Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Colorado Sunset. $600. (Mountains) Oil on canvas. 16x20 Engagement Spot. $500. (Beach Sunset) Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Going South. $150. (Ducks) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Hanging Out. $150. (Hanging Fish) Mixed Media matted. 16x20 Big Guy. $150. (Elephant) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Path to Serenity. $400. (Water with Trees Oil on Canvas 16x20 Gulf Coast Waves. $300. (Gulf Waters) Oil on Canvas. 16x20 My Blue Truck $150. (Barn Scene) Watercolor mated. 16x20 Perfect Sunset $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Purple Geranium Basket. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Cocktail hour $150 Watercolor matted. 16x20 Sunset Serenity. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Western Lake. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Couples Swim. $400. (Swimming Jelly Fish) Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Marathon Sunset. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Vacation Spot. $700 Oil on Canvas. Framed. 39 1/2 x 39 1/2 Matting Call. $150. (Egrets) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Shady Spot. $150. (Shady Chairs) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Three of a Kind. $300. Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Hawaiian Bouquet. $150 Watercolor matted. 16x20 Patio Party. $ 150 Watercolor matted. 12x24 Framed Snowy Barn. $125. Watercolor matted. 11x14 Snowy Orange Sunset. $225. Watercolor matted. 27x20 Florida River Scene. $700 Oil on Canvas Framed. 24x24 Watching for Fish. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Going for a Swim with Friends. $150. (Egrets) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Row Row Row Your Boat. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Playing a Tune. $150. (Guitar on the Beach) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Catch of the Day. $150. (Fish) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Base Time. $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 Play Mer a Tune. Fiddle. Resin instrument wit cut glass, beads, jewelry, trinkets and what-nots. Perfect Sunset Spot $150. (Dock) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Anchor's Away. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Red Barn. $300 Watercolor unmated. Watching the Shadows. $150. (Metal Chair) Watercolor matted 16x20 Sailing Away. $225. (Sailboat Sunset) Watercolor matted. 20 x28 Fall Sunset. $225. Watercolor matted. 28X20 Hatching Turtles. $225 Watercolor matted. 28X20 Sailing into a Storm. $250 Acrylic on Cedar Wood Planks. 16 1/4 X 26 Shy. $600. (Pink Flamingo) Oil on canvas 16x20 Swimming Alone. $300. (Fish) Oil on canvas. 16x20 Grayton Beach Waves. $600. Oil on canvas. 16x20 Shadowy Palms. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 You Got Me. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Ready for the Water. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Villa's of 30A $150. Watercolor matted. 16 x20. Stong Winds. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Courtyard Villa's. $150. Watercolor matted. 16x20 Pretty as a Poppy. $125 Watercolor batik on. silk. 11x14 Florida Hibiscus. $125 Watercolor matted. 11x14 Hibiscus Trio. $125 Watercolor matted. 11x14 Pretty Blue Vase. $125 Watercolor matted. 11x14 Buoy Time. $250. Acrylic on Cedar Planks. 16 1/4x22 1/2 Coming Home. $600. (Florida scenery with Egret) Oil on canvas. 16x20 Emerald Coast Dunes. $800 Oil on Canvas. Framed. 26x26 Stormy Sunset. $500 Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Hidey Hole. $600. (Trees and Flowers) Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Forest Stillness. $. 225 Acrylic on Canvas. 16x20 One Wave at a Time. $500 Oil on canvas. 16x20 Dancing Ladies. $225 Mixed media. 16x20 Angel's Among US. $225. Mixed Media. 16x20 Seaside Tower. $500. Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Psychedelic Flower. $250 Mixed Media. 20X24 Dancing Alone. $225 Mixed Media. 16x20 Shades of Grey. $300 Mixed Media. 16x20 Blue's and Greens $125 Acrylic on Canvas. 11X14 Flower me Red. $125 Watercolor matted. 11x14 Grayson Dunes. $200 Oil on Canvas. 11X14 Serenity Time. $800 Oil on Canvas. Framed Guardian Angel. $225 Mixed Media. 16x20 30A Cottage. $150 Watercolor matted. 10x22 Favorite Vacation Spot. $225. (Beach Front Property) Watercolor matted 28x20 Lady in the Garden. $225 Mixed Media. 16x20 Crazy Daisy. $125 Mixed Media. 11x14 You Looking at Me? $600. (Fox) Oil on canvas 16x20 See Me. $225 Mixed Media. 16x20 Shades of Purple. $125 Acrylic on Canvas. Framed. 14 1/2 x 17 3/4 Flowers. $. 225 Acrylic Framed. 17 1/2 x 14 1/2 Peaceful Swim $600 Oil, Framed. 27 1/2 x 21 1/2 Sailor's Delight. $150. (Pink Sunset) Watercolor matted. 16x20 Blue Crab. $225 Watercolor matted. 28x20 Pink Skies. $500 Oil on Canvas. 16x20 Summer Cottage. $150 Watercolor matted. 16x20 Pumpkin Bouquet. $ 150 Watercolor framed. 23 1/2 x12 Trio of Palms. $225 Watercolor Matted. 20X28 Snowy Barn. $150 Watercolor 16x20 mated Three Bums. $150 Watercolor matted. 16x20 View from the Palms. $225 Watercolor matted. 20 x 28 Rome Cathedrals. $225 Watercolor matted 28x20. Blue Reflections. $150. (Trees) Watercolor 16x20 matted Digging for Clams. $150 Watercolor 16x20 matted Sunday Fun Day. Small Head Board. (Single Bed). Glass resin with cut glass, beads, trinkets, etc Country Store. $150.00. Watercolor 16x20 matted Peaceful Swim. $150.00. Watercolor. 16x20 matted I See Me. $150.00. (Bird reflections) Watercolor. 16x20 matted She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not. $150. Watercolor 16x20 matted Reflections. $150. (Seashore birds) Watercolor 16x20 matted Storm Damage. $150.00. (Broken Beach fence) Watercolor 16x20 matted Hanging Out. $150.00 (Buoys) Watercolor. 16x20 matted Blue Bird of Paradise. $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Pink Skies, Sailor's Delight $150. Palm tree sunset Watercolor matted. 16x20 Let Us Out. $150. Roosters. Watercolor 16x20 matted Lilac Time. $150 Watercolor matted. 16x20 America Freedom. $150. sunset with palms and flag Watercolor matted 16x20 Dramatic Entrance Way. $150. Door Way with Flowers and Trees Watercolor matted 16x20 Just Got Here $150. Teenagers on the beach shore Watercolor matted 16x20 Rose Garden $ 150. Watercolor matted 1 6x20 Family Trio. $ 150. Giraffes Watercolor matted 16 x20 White Sand Dunes $150. Watercolor matted 1 6x20 Pink Reflections. $ 150 Scene with pink water Watercolor matted. 16x20 Blue Heron $150. Watercolor matted 16x20 Showing Off....$150. Pink Flamingo Watercolor. 16x20 Love at First Sight $150 Blue Herons Watercolor matte Matting Season $150 M Egrets Watercolor matted 16x20 Pick Me an Olive $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 Coming Out of My Shell $150 Crabin Shell Watercolor matted 16x20 Getting A Tan $150 Woman with straw hat Watercolor matted 16 x 20 Swimming Seahorse $ 150 Watercolor matted 16 x20 Hang Out. $ 150 Cabana Swings Watercolor matted 16x20 Paddling Away $150. Canoe Watercolor matted 16x20 Fresh From the Garden $150. Vegetables Mixed Media. 16x20 matted Welcome. $150. Pineapple Watercolor matted 1 6x20 Holiday Flowers $150 Watercolor matted 16x20 Night Skies. $125. Watercolor Batik. 11x14 Swimming Koi. $125 Watercolor Batik. 11x14 Adobe Chapel. $150. Watercolor matted 1 6x20 Sunset Hide A Way. $150. Watercolor matted 1 6x20 In Flight. $239. Blue Heron Watercolor. 20x28 matted Matting Season. $150. White Egrets Watercolor matted 16x20 Walk in the Woods. $150. trees, forest, streams Watercolor. 16x20 matted Sunflower. $239. Watercolor. 20x28 matted Road to the Farm. $150. Barns Watercolor. 16x20. matted Abstract Flowers. $125.00 Watwecolor. 11x14.matted Pretty in Pink Crystal. $150. Watercolor. 16x20. matted Shades of yellow. $150.00. Crystal Watercolor. 16x20 matted Harvest Time...,$150. Farm , bay bales Watercolor. 16x20 matted Ocean View. $125 Watercolor. 11x14 matted Purple Skies. $150. Watercolor. 16x20 matted Sun Rise. $150. Watercolor. 16x20 matted Bushel of Berries. $125. Watercolor. 11x14 matted Black Hole. $125. Watercolor Batik. 11x14 matted Ladies of the Night. $125. Watercolor Batik. 11x14 matted Blue Lobster. $150 Watercolor. 16x20 matted Row Row Row A Boat. $150 Watercolor. 16x20 matted Summer Villa. $150 Watercolor. 16x20 matted Pollen Burst. $150. Hummingbirds and Hibiscus Watercolor. 16x20 matted Rocky Seashore. $150. Watercolor. 16x20 matted Heavy Shadow Days. $150 Watercolor. 16x20 matted Family Gathering $150. Egrets Watercolor. 16x20 matted Turtle and Friends $150. Watercolor. 16x20 matted Still Waters. $150. Row Boat Watercolor. 16x20 matted Lovely White Birch. $239 Watercolor. 20x28. matted Lighthouse on the Hill. $150 Watercolor. 16x20 matted Western Lake. $150 Watercolor. 16x20 matted Blooms of Flowers. $150. Watercolor. 16x20 matted Meeting Pier. $150. Sea Gulls Watercolor. 16x20 matted